Thursday, April 24, 2014

:: I: street art in christchurch ::

This is slightly cheating, already, I know! I actually FORGOT to post an inspiring picture yesterday - the very first day...speaks volumes to me and I'm listening.

AM took this picture a few weeks ago - it is on High St, near C1 cafe. The artist is Michaela Cox, of Christchurch and it is part of her "Faux Arcadia" series - 10 works all hung in the city.

There is much art on the many, shall we say, bald? or naked? surfaces left by the surreal change in landscape here in Christchurch, due to the devastating effect of the earthquakes.  We felt shocked to look at the extent of the damage when we first arrived here - it could be described as a sort of apocalyptic scene.  So many desolate sites where previously life thrived.

I find the street art in such a place to have a powerful effect - it contrasts so sharply with the broken/empty/raw/disordered feel that is evident where EVER one turns. The art reaches out and invites the viewer to rest eyes on something beautiful.  I feel it speaks of hope and possibility...inspiring perhaps.

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