Friday, May 13, 2016

:: day iii ::

where I am learning about proportion and tone...and that hand-eye-brain co-ordination is, well, challenging!
can see lots of room for improvements, but when I haven't done this for a long time, I feel it is better to STOP earlier, rather than later.  I don't want to kill my enthusiasm or get totally hung up in a kind of perfection I'm not aiming at, actually.
I did actually take three photos and after the first and second I dashed back to the drawing and thought I was correcting the tonal value each time, which I was, but not nearly enough to be accurate.
I did learn that viewing the drawing through the camera helped me to see the tone much better. Like that little trick of squinting and looking at the subject through the eyelashes - it somehow cuts out colour and allows the brain/eye to perceive black and white/grey tones - very useful. Although, I have to say I forgot about that completely until I was looking through the camera.
Good fun!

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